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Ok, merging in the basic block and doing clear before loading the MC block makes the game boot in real 48k spectrum!

I just worked that out too with help from the Spectrum facebook group :) I cleared the stack before saving but forgot to clear it before loading in the code - well spotted too. Will upload a TZX.

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Just had chance to test, works a treat, now to fire up Trans Express and get it onto microdrive ๐Ÿ˜

Or if I edited the save lines at the end of the basic to microdrive versions would it work? It would be great if it did as I could do the poke to get it to save 2 copies on the cartridge for access speed and or data security..... 

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Would I need to add a CLEAR command, if so what value? 

no need for any added clears since it works correctly now. And yes, you should be able to change the save and load lines to microdrive ones. Just check the first couple of lines at the start of the program as I can't remember if I load the code at line 5 or not.

Many thanks, I'll give it a go ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜

cool, should be easy ๐Ÿ˜€

Worked a treat. Loads in seconds ๐Ÿ˜

woohoo, well done ๐Ÿ˜€

Had a play this evening and nicked the screen$ from the Paul Farrow port, so I now have a loading screen. Each block of code is saved twice on the cartridge too. 

brilliant, I never thought of adding one!