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Awesome and beautiful game!
I really like your art direction, and the game feels very smooth!
The main character is a bit slow to my liking and the feedbacks on the sword hitting a boss are a bit lacking , but otherwise I really had a great time !

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you liked it! Out of curiosity, how would you improve the feedback on the swords? We thought about adding things like a VFX for when you hit a boss (but we didn't have enough development time), as well as adding hitstun to each hit (but that caused some weird shenanigans with co-op so we ended up removing it)


I don't think hitstun is the way, because you swing 3 times a second. I think my main issue with the sword is the knockback! I feel that it is a bit too heavy!


But it is a very very minor nitpick.