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Game is nice and like what you did to Dragon boss. Though you won't easily see the anus alot of the time since she quickly goes around and fills her balls. Speaking of Dragon boss, she's still getting stuck easily on environments such as the boxes you stand on when using a glory hole in her level, door ways being too small or closing too soon when she gets big enough often trapping her, taking corners too hard, and npcs, and due to the way she pathfinds sometimes just stands in one location doing nothing. Sometimes npcs will walk into each other and take a while to correct. Honestly there's a lot left to do and I'm sure you're aware of most of these issues. Too many maybe even to post about but I can if you wish me to. Also hope there will be many more levels added. Anyway thanks for the game. I'll keep having fun with what we got so far till a new update comes out.