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We were 5 people who willingly took time out of our schedule to provide an opportunity to people looking to gain game design experience. At no point did we expect our first jam (which we didn't even advertise) to garner more than 2400 participants. We could have very easily cancelled the jam, but instead we dedicated 100s of hours EACH to providing feedback on games, answering tickets, paring teams together, and providing mentor support. 

The accusation that there was something nefarious was going on is absolutely absurd, especially given the fact that I can very clearly see judge feedback on your submission page, which means you received feedback before the jam period even ended. If you need help locating this feedback, we will be more than willing to help you. 

The poster of this feed also received feedback before the end of the voting period. If you do not like your feedback, or would like us to expand upon it, you've had over a month to let us know and we would have been more than happy to provide you additional feedback, as we have done for countless others.