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The platforming is very enjoyable, especially the double jump! A bit tough, though it's very fair (aside from 2 instances which I'll discuss in a lil). The level design is really solid for a game like this. Not supremely challenging, not too easy. It's at just the right spot to encourage getting better.

The two issues I had were, you can bug out in the ceiling, especially later down the line, which is a bit rough. Additionally, I wish the hurricane hurtbox was a little more generous, that would make the platforming even better.

The controls did throw me off a lil at the start, but after getting used to them it's not such a big deal. Regardless, it would be cool if everything was mapped to the arrow keys eg. if you're on top of the dragon you and the dragon enter a state where pressing left or right get it moving in either direction.

Solid game!

PS: I like the fact that you used 1bitdragon for the music, it's very thematically appropriate.


Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to make such a complete feedback! We wanted to make something challenging yet not discouraging for the player, really glad to hear that this aspect went through ! We will look into the bug celling and try to make more intuitive controls next time!

Aha, now that you mention it for 1bitdragon, it's really meta 
Thanks again for the super complete comment ! Definitely super helpful !