Hey Kikilo!
- I love the tilemaps you made! They are very simple, but they align super well and there was obviously a lot of thought that went in to using the color palette.
- I would have suggested going with a slightly larger sprite size so that things look a little more blended together, but seeing as it's a game jam, what you have is more than acceptable.
- I love the idea of the snow building, but I'm not entirely sure what the objective or gameplay looks like? Creating a well defined activity cycle would be very useful in this case. You mention an event creator and helping out the townsfolk with snow-related tasks. What does this look like? Are you searching for objects, completing minigames, answering questions, etc. What does the player interaction actually look like?
- Obviously this is relating to the game itself, but I would suggest thinking about how you can fill out the environment. Sound effects and animations would greatly add to the game, but you could even focus on environmental storytelling. You have some mountains, maybe there's a ski village near the town! The town roads don't connect to the sides of the map. How do people get in and out of the town? These small additions can help the game feel so much more polished without actually having to create a ton of content.
Overall, great job on your project! You did a fantastic job for a one-person team, and you worked around the errors you came across.