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Comment this long (because I love this game so much)

BDJNCkNFNDK I wrote this review after finishing the game and oh my god I feel like I'm at a loss for this game now. Anyway I love the characters and I have to say game is awesome 11/10! (I created an account just to discuss U KNOW!?).

Honestly, I was most impressed with Nightowl's badending because it was actually pretty serious (or at least in my opinion). But I mean the game's endings currency really impressed me because it had quite dangerous content compared to what I expected. 

BUT AWWW the good things about Nightowl (Nightowl is beautiful) and Quest makes me really roll in bed (roll) because it's so sweet, it's so so so so greattt😽

As for Xyx, I like the way he cares for his little roommate (albeit in a rather adorably goofy way because he basically doesn't know the problem isn't as serious as he thinks, actually). So I can't die from the experience). badending of the route because I read the badending fist, quite sad about it 😿)And he succeeded in startling me during the call💀.

About Nakedtoaster, I'm very impressed with his route (that's obvious because it's the true route of the game) but he's super cute and blushes easily (I want to tease him more 😈). I laughed a lot at his cute reaction every time he was teased (I can imagine him getting flustered after a few messages).

I love this game 🌈

maybe it will be misspelled