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(1 edit)

Bug 1: Eira can move or attack during chat dialogue and cutscenes. 3 situations where it's confirmed to occur:

  • The Intro. Left-clicking during the intro cutscene will let the player hear Eira's ice breath activate.
  • Crystal Shard cutscene (when Seraphine is about give the shard, not when she's behind thorns): Visually, Eira won't move on the screen, but she can still move around and collect snowflakes even while Seraphine is talking. The counter will even go up before the dialogue ends.
  • Tutorial: Button mashing WASD keys in between the intro narration and tutorial will result in Eira moving briefly before becoming stuck at the start of the game until Seraphine stops talking. Eira can move after it ends and the rest of tutorial is normal.

Bug 2: Character Portraits appearing when inspecting items (wooden sign posts, etc.). Basically if you talk to an NPC before talking to an item like a sign post or library books, their portrait will briefly appear before the normal game text loads. This can also happen if Eira is the last character to speak.

Bug 3: Actually entering the castle (Volume Warning, static will become loud). Might be intended but I'm not sure. Anyway, if Eira runs too far to the left (towards the moon), she can bypass the "exit" area where she's supposed to wake up and walk into the castle. My directions are terrible but the best way is to run very far towards the moon until Eira is next to it, then run to the right of the moon (north or northeast?) until the castle is to her right. Then run into the castle. Be warned. The static will get loud even before you enter the castle. Plus, it becomes hard to find the exact place you need to go in order to trigger the next part of the game. The best I could do is retrace my steps and use the position of the moon and castle to figure out where "south" is until I reached the area to leave.

Bug 4Triggered crucial dialogue twice during night training course. Because it's easy to fly out of the obstacle course and return to the village (I can see the actual flight test machine near the dock even at a distance), I managed to trigger the "!! Did you see that?" conversation between Eira and Seraphine a second time. Don't ask me how I was able to locate the exact spot, I was blindly flying around looking for secrets and trying to find Seraphine again until I flew right in the spot where Eira asks if Seraphine saw the purple sparkles. I guess their conversations are locked to specific areas of the map?

And... that's all I found so far. All bugs are found on the PC version of the game. I only have Windows 11 and I'm using keyboard controls (EDIT: and wireless mouse!)


Wow thank you so much for this detailed info! I really appreciate it and I'll get to fixing these right away! 
I don't have a lot of help with testing, so when people tell me about the bugs they find it seriously helps me out so much! 



thanks again for such a detailed bug report! I've fixed all the issues you mentioned and the changes will be live when I next update the game! 
