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Good job on the game! I like the idea of the game, having the unique abilities S1-S4. Down below is some feedback for yeah.


  • I enjoyed the power system, but I did not like that I had to click them each time to do something. (Or maybe I forgot to see an instruction). I think something that might be nice to do is hotmap them to the top number row of the keyboard.
  • Similar to what NeatGames said I think if you added some upgrade system and tied those in with powers you already have it would make for some interesting gameplay! :D
  • For bullets, a bit picky from me, but could make them slower than the player movement. Personally, it was kind of weird how I could catch up to them. 
  • Some particle effects on enemy death, projectile and some time delay on when enemy getting hit would improve game feel a bit.
  • When enemy waves spawn, sometimes I don't see them for a bit because I am moving around a lot. Potentially add a mini map so I can see where enemies are, or maybe have off screen indicator to tell where enemies?