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(5 edits)

Basic Combatguide:

Who do we win a Fight? Get the enemy HP to 0 before your Hero's HP hits 0. However there is LUST and Charisma. So we can also win by increase the Enemy Lust to 100 before our Hero's Lust hits 100 or his HP hits 0.  

Quite often some Bosse got far more HP when the Hero. We need our Bind up / Healing Spelll to compensate. Our Healing Spell cost mana and got an cooldown.  If the Enemy inflitcst more damage when the Hero can patch himself up: the Hero will lose. Therefore our Hero needs to level up to increase his overall AttackPower and Stats to increase Atk or Survivibility even further.  The Hero got 3 way to attack the enemy: Per STR, MAG or CHA.  So to maximize our Attack, we only need one of the three Stats most of the time. At the Moment STR is the best choice for the beginning and remains strong throughout the game. CHA gets more powerfull but doesnt work against all enemies. Its rather uselss to build a Character who excels in both STR and CHA at the same time. So when creating a Hero, focus on STR or CHA. Rule: Jack-of-all-Trade-Character are weak.

Let's talk about Defense. On Paper, AGIlity seem to be the most powerful stat because it increase Atk by 2 and Crit + Dodge by 2%. But its not realiable. ENDurance however is. END give HP, DEF and increase the power of our healing spell just like MAG!.  For Character you like to attack with CHA/Flirt or even MAGic the +2 Atk power by AGI is somewhat wasted. 

Example Buildes:

Warrior: Max STR + medium END; Use your Basic attack and Bind up when needed. The base build of this guide and very able to defeat the first Boss with Savescumming. The best starting build at the moment. Very effective when playing the Peace and the Bull-Route.  Start: STR 8, AGI 5 or 6, END 4 or 5. Endgame: STR 15; AGI 7; END 8.

Cutthroat: Max AGI + high STR; Risky Playstyle, Save-scum-Build.  Overwhelm the Enemy with Leaping Slash and powerful crits. Start: STR 8, AGI 7.

Cleric: High CHA + High END + medium INT; A very tough Build but very low damage against certain Enemies that cannot be flirted with.  Synergie only with the Peace Ending. Start:  END 5; CHA 7;   

Warlock: High INT + High END;  another very tough build with the most powerful bind up + Holy Fist Spell.  Good Damage against nearly all enemies. Most effective with the Peace or Lizard Route.


Bind up: Basic Healing Spell. Use on cooldown to stay alive in tough fights. Become more powerfull with high INT + END. Dont forget to drink MP Potion in difficult Boss Battle. Becomes useless if the Enemy does way more damage when you can heal.

Defend: Defend when the Boss-Enemy is charging up an powerful attack. Character with high INT but very low STR use this to buy time while Holy Fist is on cooldown.

FLIRT: Your CHA Attack Skill. Become your Basic Attack if you prefer CHA over STR.

Hold Fist (Learned from Meko after Witer Ghost Quest on day 6):  Your Main attack against Ghost. Also the MainAttack for High INT + low STR characters.

Wolf Stance: Decrease your damage taken by around 10-20% while your physical attack power severly drops by nearly 30%-40%. Usefull when you prefer to attack with FLIRT (or Holy Fist) only! 

Leaping Slash (learned at level 3): Strike with around 40-50% more physical power. Exceptional high Damage with Criticals. However the very high MP cost of 30 makes it useless in most fights. 30 MP are better used for Bind up. However: If the enemy is so powerfull that healing yourself ("Bind up and Healing Potions") becomes futile, spam Leaping Slash instead. Kill the Boss before he kills you. Good Example: Fighiting the Swamp Boss without Goo-armor.

Sweep: Physical Strike against multiple enemies. 50MP Cost is very high. Still the better Choice when fighting against more than one enemy at once.

Fantasize: If you want to lose on purpose by Lust. Not recommended in a serious fight.