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thanks for the question!

One of my very first design ideas, as Long Haul was still taking shape, was: What if you could level up a character by listening to a song?

“Your character gets stronger by listening to the Staples Singers” was an early part of my pitch. 

I knew I wanted an ambient soundtrack, so I began researching early ambient and experimental electronic music. 

For the pop music that appears during gameplay, I knew that I wanted songs that were very specific to the period — stuff that was released in 1982 and early 1983 that could reasonably appear on a radio — but nothing that felt like your generic “80s music.” 

It’s part of a larger attempt to sketch out an early 80s setting that wasn't defined by the common neon/vaporwave/synth aesthetics. 

(These trappings are universalized, despite their deep connections to particular class, age, race, & regional identities. I wanted to move beyond that.)

thanks for responding. Also, how is the SRD coming? I only ask because I have an idea for a game that would work well the long haul rules and the voice recording idea.

SRD is going slowly! Some big health issues have slowed a lot of my work down. But that shouldn’t stop you from releasing something! 

Feel free to shoot me an email ( and we can chat!