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(1 edit) (+1)

Yep, it’s certainly possible, no doubt about it - using FRT. Also PortMaster was very helpful during my investigations, there are some docs on how to port existing Godot games. But given a particular device we know that it supports GLES3 and Vulkan (in theory), I assume the drivers are there to support these features and hardware rendering. AFAIK you have 2 choices when it comes to OS - ArkOS and JelOS, the latter seems to be running newer software (i.e. mainline kernel for RK3326 chips).

The gist of making it work is:

  • update device OS to latest version
  • download FRT either v2 or v3 it must correspond to Godot version
  • export your game as a .pck file
  • upload both frt and .pck file to the device
  • make the frt binary executable chmod +x frt
  • run the game ./frt frt.pck

Note that the file names are arbitrary, the only catch is that the .pck file should be named the same as the frt binary (i.e. foo and foo.pck)

The learning curve might be quite steep, so be prepared, but I’m sure you’ll emerge victorious, best of luck! :)

thank you for all the info!