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Love this game! I can definitely see myself running it.

The first part reads like chapter 1 of a novel, and it is quite gripping. You want to know more about Pygmalion Interactive and the Day of the Dolls... but now it's up to you to breathe life into that story.

Five minutes after finishing the last page I was already jotting down ideas for the Alice Underground, gypsy charging stations and the elusive Tisiphone.

It's part slasher movie, part cyberpunk, with a drizzle of Blade Runner, a pinch of Ringu, lots of dark humor, and perhaps just a hint of Vampire: The Masquerade. No two dolls will ever be the same, because of the seven "Disciplines" available (you begin with three). For instance, if ADR14N is already good at spoofing voices and hacking electronics, maybe EM1LY should rather deal some physical, hands-on damage, and then the party might also need someone with people skills...

This is gonna be so much fun!