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Thank you for the update! I play on mobile (Android) and the game is now much more responsive to my taps on screen! Being able to move the little rattie to the spa entry was such a nice touch!

One suggestion would be to maybe include the controls either on the main screen or in the game page info. Perhaps an issue exclusive to mobile interaction, but it took me a little bit to figure out how to play during my first playthrough. Was trying to swipe around on my screen before I realized after a bit that I should tap repeatedly to progress. (It's totally possible this is included somewhere already and I just missed it. ^^")

One thing I'd love to see added would be some sort of endless loop mode with different rats coming into the spa. It would be cool if they were all based on the real rats' personalities/appearances from the sanctuary and had slightly different dialogue related to their journeys. There could also be a book of sorts that keeps track of which rats have visited the spa and have been taken care of, and each entry could link to a post about the real life rat when tapped/clicked on. :)

This project is so cool honestly. If there's ever an expanded paid version or something like that I'd be happy to buy it, especially if a portion of the sales goes to the sanctuary as well. <3

One suggestion would be to maybe include the controls either on the main screen or in the game page info.

Great idea! The ‘point and click’ mode in the intro screen is a bit buggy. Right now an Arrow “fades in” to hint, but a clear ‘tap and drag’ animation would be even better. Instructions on the page are a nice idea as a fallback, since right now the touch input is still kind of buggy ;)

I’ll add that to the game page now!

One thing I’d love to see added would be some sort of endless loop mode with different rats coming into the spa. …

100%! We definitely want to find a way to turn this little game jam project into a bigger game with more rat clients and a ‘Collection’ / sticker book mechanic to see your clients and your scores. I LOVE the idea of basing the rats off of our sanctuary residents! The pink-eyed-white in the game is our rat Enoki who predates the sanctuary, but is a rescue nonetheless :)

This project is so cool honestly. If there’s ever an expanded paid version or something like that I’d be happy to buy it, especially if a portion of the sales goes to the sanctuary as well. <3

This warms my heart. So motivating, honestly - thank you <3

And yes, 100% of proceeds would absolutely go to the sanctuary if we ever put it on steam! :)