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It's hard for me to try something new, but oh, I'm so glad I did. I love animations, I love little tips on the screen that say "it's not your fault, it's actually a slur, etc...", I love deduction for character's acting, I love the voicing!! I'm overwhelmed with how good this demo is and I'm praying for you three to finish this because... I'M ADDICTED TO THIS DUH. 

Can't wait for Pet to show up I'm kinda a fan (I'll cry if there is no love route for him but I'll accept this fate with happiness). ALSO DAAAMN I LOVE PAITHENS ROUTE it was keeping me on my nerves the whole time. Also reminds me of my friendship that I have right now (pls don't ask). AND Reteeeppp... What can I say he is a star. I can't be angry at him, he is just... he is a little guy. He is a creme bun. I love them all!! I'm not into Peeter this much because I don't know about him much, but, damn, I was not into Paithen and Retep, and here I am, losing shit about them. I'm sure I'll lose my shit over Peeter too when he will be in the game as well. THANK YOU THE ULTIMATE YOURS GAME TEAM FOR GIVING ME FOOD BLESS YOU MUAH