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The UI and the story of the intro are very nice and well done. I didn't know about the horrors of the Guatemala syphilis experiments, and I really find it an interesting event to write about.

However, I think that this game wastes this eery and intriguing story on cheap and constant jumpscares and puzzles with no relation whatsoever.

The game is full of jumpscares that don't have a clear connection with the plot the game is trying to tell, and with a fast pacing and too much dolls and monsters, I feel that the gameplay doesn't follow the initial plot. I also didn't really like the narrator's voice and the constant need to indicate the player their next step, either with said voice or with the illuminated objects.  

In my opinion, if you focus all the gameplay on these experiments (like having to investigare medical files and instruments or being chased by creepy corpses) and you make more subtle scares, it'll make a great improve. 

I will be keeping an eye on this game and I will be waiting for more updates!

Thank you so much for such detailed and valuable feedback, Admittedly, our game still has a lot of room for improvement in areas such as narrative and challenge design. We will work on refining it to create a more logical and thrilling story!! 

If you ever decide to give it another try in the future or have any other suggestions for areas of improvement, please feel free to let us know:)