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This is a really neat game you've made. The puzzles were great and I like the simplistic art style and the mechanics of using the torches as not only a light source,  but a weapon and puzzle elements. The last level was really challenging and I died many times but I managed to get through it with some determination!

Perhaps the last level was a little too difficult, but only due to how little health you have and not knowing how much you have left. I don't necessarily think it's a bad idea not to have any health indicators, but I did find myself looking for something to show me how much health I had left. Even some small visual change to the lil' guy's outfit or something could work. 

I also noticed that you can't really see what's coming up to you when you move downwards/upwards. Like on the last level I got killed a few times by the spikes because I didn't see them until last second because of how the camera catches up to the player only when they've stopped moving + the low visibility with the vignette-type effect around the screen. It's not really an issue, just something I noticed.

This is a solid submission though. Great work :D


I'm glad you enjoyed my game! And its nice to see that you beated the last level.

So, a health indicator is something that I need to review. My idea was to make the game even darker when you lose health (I think you can see it), but it turned out to be a bit annoying. I really liked your idea about a visual change, so I'll try it out

Thank you for the feedback <3