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Congratulations on reaching 1K downloads! That's a fantastic achievement, and it's clear your dedication is paying off. It's admirable how you're managing your game development alongside real-life commitments like your exhibitions and impending military service. Your transparency about your schedule and plans is refreshing, and it shows your commitment to your project and your audience. Your determination to continue the project after your military service is inspiring. Keep up the great work, and we'll be eagerly awaiting your return to game development. Wishing you all the best with your exhibitions, video creation, and upcoming endeavors. Stay safe and take care! 🚀🎉

Thanks for the kind words <3 My whole project, including this game and art shows, is my lifelong dream slowly coming true, and it's so thankful and exciting that I'm getting such support! My final goal is to make fortune big enough and turn this into an animated film.

I'm really grateful for your patience. Things might be slow, but I'll work my way till my vision comes true. Please stay tuned!

And I'll make sure I don't get myself killed on the frontier haha.

(1 edit) (+1)

Wow you you want to turn it into a animated film now that is some big  goals well I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and your project stay safe out there.🖤🔥
