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(3 edits) (+1)

Wow... what an experience, thank you for making it. It's very impressive that you made it with console only. I got used to the controls very quickly. It's a bit repetitive towards the end, yes, but it's understandable. I was in a similar situation where I had to choose between  simplifying things or missing the deadline. :) If you spice up the endgame with a few more "side-quests" like you did with the water meter then I think you're set. But the game is already great. Well done!

PS: Loved the "PS-GJ24" planet name. :)


Thank you so much for playing it, and especially for giving feedback! I think that I'm going to scrap the console-only idea and expand upon the game going forward, I really enjoyed how it turned out! The water meter was originally just on the screen and I realized I could make it a side quest to give more to do than just water and sleep at the endgame. Thanks again for the feedback!!


I missed your PS at first! There's a few Thorster Eggs in there from the official planet name, the unofficial planet name, how long she's been eating nothing but CRUD bars, etc. Nice catch!