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(1 edit) (+1)

Congratulations on your first jam game! Very charming and relaxing! Loved watching the little guys working and running around. The day-night cycle is a very nice detail too. A few things I noticed:

The text is bit hard to read especially on the "how to play" pages, because it uses very similar color to the background.

When I wanted to build something the game let me select it, showed me the possible locations and even let me try to place it, despite not having enough materials. An earlier feedback about this (graying out buildings, popup texts, etc.) would be a great improvement I think.

I encountered a funny bug where if I placed a miner on a root, the mole destroyed the root later, but the little guy kept mining thin air. :)

Overall this is a fun little management game. Good job!


Thank you so much!!!

Yeah we noticed the bugs after posting the game hahaha. 

Much love <3 dude and we hope we will see an update from your game because we really liked it!!!