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Hey good job on this game, it works really well.

I like the variety of scenarios you have created, and can see how you could expand on this fairly easily.

Some feedback points:

  • The game is relativly easy when you realise the (pickle?) enemies are not that scary as long as they cant catch the target they are going after
  • Maybe the amount of work you put into the tutorial could have gone into tutorial based levels instead. Introducing each of your mechanics one at the time. That way it spreads out the cognitive load of learning how the game works. Makes it easier on the brain :)
  • I like the physics and action point mechanic, but would have loved to have seen more of it, its the part that feels the most unique to me. 

I wanna be 100% clear that these things are just my opinion.
The project is well made regarding playability and I had fun exploring what it had to offer.

thank you very much for playing! level design and zombies contagious-ness (?) definitely can use tuning. I am excited to make some more complex levels soon.

I was going to write a full review. But my points are echoed here. The game was well thought out however the time spent on the tutorial would have likely been better used created levels that slowly built into the full experience. 

All in all you did a solid job.