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Hey there! I think this plugin is going to really help me, but I'm running into an issue. I want to use it to remove some background text I put in the scene using the Background Text Plugin. 

I use the "Display Background Text" event, and then I try to call the "Swap Tile Event" and replace the text I just displayed, but the text is still there? For instance, I write the display text at X = 2, Y=2, then I try to replace the tile at those same coordinates, but it doesn't work. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?

Text is stored in another place in memory, so you’ll probably have to use the display background text event again to overwrite the tiles (with spaces or an empty character). Alternatively you can call “VM_CALL_NATIVE b_scroll_repaint, _scroll_repaint” in a GBVM script to repaint the whole scene to its original image.