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You need to bring a snowball to that level. :)

i could figure out that much, what im atempting is to use the momentum on the snowball to hit the one breakable rock in the corner and get the snowball to land on the platform

I just got an ice cube the the spot with the daimond, but i couldent do it so i gave up and am now trying to get the bunny hat again

the bunny hat eludes me. i cant figure out how to get a snowball there

Here's the ball you need to get to the bunny hat, and this is one of several ways the ball can be used to reach it. If you need help with the diamond, you can mostly keep holding left/right with a well-placed ice block. :)

i have all the hats now, if there are other secrets i would like a hint in the right direction

(1 edit)

For this mod at least, the hats are everything :) 

how do you get the other hat

Which one?

the white hat