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Plenty of good things to say about this game. Great concept, amazing atmosphere, thrillingly high stakes, and well worth the price.

In terms of constructive criticism, I think the game could use some balancing. 

The biggest concern I have is that there isn't enough incentive to shoot yourself instead of the dealer. The only situations it's optimal to shoot yourself in are due to the existence of items on the board, without them shooting the dealer is always the smarter decision, with the exception of there being one live and one blank where it's always a 50/50 chance. I wouldn't fault this design philosophy if it was taken as it's a perfectly legitimate way to incentivize the risk, but currently the situations where it's optimal to shoot yourself are fairly rare even with items.

If there was some kind of reward for shooting yourself with a blank beyond skipping a turn that might make it worth it. Maybe every 3 or so blanks you shoot yourself with you get an item, or gain a charge. Anything that incentivizes the risk of shooting yourself, because that's the best part of this games atmosphere.

All of the items are very powerful excluding beer. I feel like rounds where you get four or even three items a load are a bit much for how strong they are, except beer. Beer is the most underpowered item and probably the most balanced, I'd like to see a mode where the only item is beers, that would make interesting strategic situations. 

Other than that, I wish there was more content, which is a good problem to have. I hope you continue with this, and Godspeed.