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(3 edits) (+1)

Thank you for telling me! I couldn't catch it because my system works just fine! I'll check it out. Just to clarify, did you also take the folder out, and are the files in the same location? Because it should be the first thing in the folder

Hello again. I run the Robbors_computer_world.exe inside the folder, maybe that was the problem. However, this time, I took the .exe file, the UnityCrashHandler and the UnityPlayer from the folder and place them in the same folder with the Robb0Rs_computer_world_data folder, but this time it gives an error saying "Failed to load mono". I am not sure if the files are supposed to be like this. Let me know if not. Thank you

(1 edit)

Try doing "Run as administrator". And it is true they should not be in the folder

(2 edits)

I discovered the solution to the problem! The folder MonoBleedingEdge needs to be out of the Robb0rs_world_data folder and stay together with the exe file, the UnityCrashHandler, the UnityPlayer and the folder RoBBORs_computer_world_data . Now the game runs.


Okay, I will update the “Install instructions”!