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Hello there,

sorry for using a public reply, but I can't find a way to contact you directly. Is there any?

As one of the original core Cubosphere developers, I keep checking the internet every now and then for any news of Project Crystal, except in the last couple of months, since I was quite busy.

And now I stumble upon something called "Rollingcube" and it brings a tear of joy to my eye. What a wonderful job! Just downloaded version 0.2 and breezed through the first 2 worlds. Incredible, the new engine is excellent and so much smoother than Cubo used to be, awesome! Just noticed that you used some of my old levels in the first two worlds and I suggest I'll keep running into very familiar stuff all the way. 10 years (!) after our last own release (Cubosphere Beta 0.3), it's almost impossible to tell which levels I created and which I didn't (as some were contributed by Refshal and MyNameIsSteve), though I would estimate that (at least) 80% of Cubosphere's levels had been built by me. So if you use them in this new project, I would appreciate a mention in the later credits (which don't seem to exist at all, not even for you, despite all of your amazing work!!!). Maybe that goes for the other old members, too, especially Chriddo, who was the one to bring Cubosphere to life, after all. He was also the one who programmed all of my new feature ideas like rotator blocks, magnets, teleport items, counter blocks etc., some of which appear in the trailer for Rollingcube.

As you will most likely know, the two of us tried to restart work on Cubosphere ourselves back from scratch, because, for example, most of the textures I had used for the game were taken from the internet (i. e. for the Cloudy theme, which you used for world 2). Since we planned on distributing our game on Steam, we would have to build a new version only with original music, textures etc. Almost everything was done, but we never finished the final stretch.

So, what I'm trying to say (and I guess I did it far too rude, sorry!): I'm so incredibly proud of your whole work and it's a blessing to see the game return in its full glory. I'm honoured by the use of our old stuff and ideas, but most importantly: If I can do anything to support you, please let me know. Designing hundreds of levels, textures etc. was a major hobby during my university time and I would gladly contribute to this reload of Rollaway / Cubosphere, since it's still one of the best game concepts that ever existed. Please let me know if you need any kind of support, even if it's just as a test player or for (German) text correction (that's part of my actual job btw).

Such an amazing job, awesome.

I'll return to playing world 3 now!


First of all, I want to say that I am excited that you wrote to me! and above all that you like my work! I discovered Cubosphere since it was in its alpha version, and I have followed its development all these years, even when there were no more updates. Also in one of the beta versions (I don't remember if it was beta 0.1, or 0.2) I helped with the translation into Spanish. At that time I was just starting my university career and, after so many years and with much more experience, I decided to try to revive Cubosphere around July of last year. And this is the result so far!

It certainly took me a long time to add the credits, but that will be solved in the next update, in which I have added everyone who was in the Cubosphere credits, plus those who have participated now. Of course you also appear in the credits!

I really made the levels from scratch, some are very similar to those from Kula World, and others to one from Cubosphere, but I really made them all from scratch until world 6. From world 7 onwards, more people began to design levels from scratch. part of me.

Anyway, I would love to be able to add the Cubosphere levels to the game, perhaps as a separate campaign. I designed a tool capable of transforming a level created in Cubosphere to the Rollingucbe format. It's not perfect, but it almost always generates very similar levels and is very useful for importing levels!

Also anyone can create a level pack and then play it within Rollingcube. The game has a section that allows you to play packs that other users have created.

I thought about uploading the game to Steam, but investigating I saw that it could cause legal problems even if all the assets were made from scratch, since it would still be similar in concept to Kula World, and I think there have been other attempts that have had problems with this, so I decided to leave it on, totally free so we can all enjoy it. At the end of the day, I do this because I love this game and I want to share it with everyone!

If you want to add levels, create or test anything, of course you are welcome!

I hope you enjoy the game! In the version you downloaded you have 12 worlds to explore! And in the update that I'm about to upload (I don't know if it will be today or tomorrow, but as soon as possible) you will have more than 200 new levels to play! Although I'm sure you recognize them, because they come from Kula World! ha ha.

I'm also on Discord. If you have an account or are on a server, I can add you without a problem!

Btw, it may be easier to contact on Twitter. This is my profile: