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(2 edits) (+3)

Thank you for sharing such a lovely project, and great job working to submission despite unexpected issues (there's always something!). Kudos especially for how well you melded sound with the animation, text, and visuals. Although the gameplay was short, I found myself especially charmed by your game's whole aesthetic and the ending scene. If you continue working on Starfall, I can't wait for the last scene to feel even more rewarding for the player! A nice feature to add might be a few more instructions on controls (the way you signaled using "e" to retrieve stars was very elegantly done).

While playing, I had a question about the visuals. When I first opened the game, the screen was quite small, and making the game fullscreen made it look pixelated (though I'm sure some of that is intentional). I wanted to ask what your ideal resolution is (or would be, with more time).

Turning to the story now, branching narratives are one of my favorite game features! How many different possible endings do you want to build in based on the dialogue choices made by the player character? And I appreciate that I already got to see different dialogue and consequences in just a few scenes :)

Regarding how the textboxes express the narrative, I have 2 pieces of feedback:

1. Some of the textboxes have dialogue a smidge too long to fit on the screen, so players can see a scroll bar on the side. However, we can't actually use the scrollbar, because the game controls interpret clicking as moving the dialogue box forwards, e.g. when the dragon says, "Let's get this little star back, eh [scroll bar]".

2. Some of the dialogue could have been separated more based on clauses/sentence structure, e.g. it seems smoother to divide up the following two textboxes like so: "And it's taken away the forest's" | "only energy source:"

Phew! Thanks for reading such a long review! My last piece of feedback: your audio effects are crazy good. The sudden vhoom when the griffon announces "...skyquake!", energetic music turning on when entering the dragon's lair, the ambient birdsong suiting the forest locale, the beautiful sublime music of the ending...incredible work.

Looking forward to seeing more!


Thank you for the review! I really appreciate your detailed feedback and shared love for our little story. We're transitioning to a beta production stage now that the jam is over, so I'm excited to start working on some of the suggestions you wrote us.

I'm also very happy to hear you liked the art and music, it was a real grind for me last weekend and I'm glad it paid off for many players. All the best!
