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Very fun little game, it was interesting and well done with no real bugs found, however faster walk speed or the ability to run would be great, its very well done but its alittle hard to tell the consequences, since you basically get dropped in a world work for 6 years to afford a education (Or loan from the bank) then you choose an Education and theres not really any difference from what i could tell in the educations other than just the flat payrate so you go for Health since thats the one with the most, i worked from the age of 29 till the ripe old age of 101 when i died haha

Thanks for the well-written review, Leonard!

You are right; there should be something to spend the money you earn, as there is no point in working if there is nothing to buy with it. During development, I had the idea that the player could buy a house and start a family, but due to poor planning, I didn't have the time to add it.

Regarding what you mentioned about abilities, that's an interesting idea. I will work on it. Thanks again!


You're welcome Rome! Thats a good idea, then at the end of the life you could give the player some input about how they spent their life in relation to both Work and Home, to show what you spent your life doing.