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An interesting seed for a game. It leaves me with a few questions, should this progress further:

  • Are the wolves deterministic?
  • How do you plan to constrain the light sources in the full game? This either seems like it splits into an action stealth sort of game or a turn-based puzzle.
  • Is the pathfinding going to remain tile-based?

Congratulations to the team on a fairly polished result with some potential.

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot for the feedback! We haven't had time to think about all this yet. A good note about the mechanics of the game: an action stealth art of game or a turn-based puzzle — we will think about it. This and other things will now be the top priority on the list for creating a game — because beautiful design, music, sounds and a well-functioning game will simply be useless without interesting gameplay! Although if the game doesn't work, then no one will be able to appreciate the boring gameplay, hahahaha