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(2 edits)

Some thought. observation, and bug reports: First, i am on a cheap-o HP laptop... 150 GB (gigabyte) hard drive, 4.0 GB RAM. 1 .0 0GHz Intel processor/CPU, Win 11 Home. not much by today's typical gaming rig. I also have a Debian GNU Linux on my better desktop PC.. which i do not use currently due to a stroke leaving me heavily disabled, but otherwise, the game runs well in Wine (I assume it will run just as well in similar x86 emulation on Mac OSX....

I enjoy the game, but it needs a tutorial--some things are not so obvious until you get used to and into the game; I often have to try the right mouse button, then the left- before I find which/the one I need. There also seem to be memory issues. loading a game and often, at some point, the Train/Teach button simply stops working at all, saving then reloading a game seems to lose some things, presumably due to lazy loading under the (incorrect) assumption, the memory from the previous load is already initialized. loading a "Start a new game," then reloading the just saved game seems to avoid this issue (and why I suspect the assumption that memory may still be previously loaded.

The "Programming" aspect needs a lot of work, including object type detection (is the object being held a log or plank?) and if-then(-else) logic. Subroutines/functions would be nice, especially if this can be loaded and used from a central location; giving a reason to make a specialized..building for it and maybe signal transmission towers. expanding to custom specialized microchips as well. (and challenges: "Your farming chip was infected with a virus that poisons your crops--better make a fix...!)

another annoyance is as lack of undo; many times the mouse would overshoot the desired program line and delete the one above or below the one desired. if this was a large loop block, I'd scream and rip my hair out and I do not have much left!)

So, this version of the game is no longer supported, it's an alpha version of the game. The current versions of the game are on Steam which is found here

(2 edits)

so take this down, i understand it is alpha, but why leave it up and active here? especially when steam apps cause me major hassles (i have had to reinstall win10 three times due to team issues--obviously i am not fond of being forced to use steam crap). plus, ideas and suggestions should always be considered for games and apps, no?

Did you not read the page for this game? They have stated clearly that this version on is going to stay the 2017 version and is not going to change or be updated. They have moved to Steam and are keeping this version for both posterity and as a free demo of sorts:

"Welcome to the Autonauts Prototype! We haven't updated it since the end of 2017 and have no plans to do anything else with it, but here it remains for posterity (or a crude introduction to what the game's about).

If you're interested in more, click the image below to be taken to the full release on Steam!


Please don't post about the Steam version here, not when there's such a lovely space to do that in the Autonauts Steam Community. This space is dedicated to the prototype only. Cheers!"

Not sure what issues you have, some of that sounds a bit too extreme to say it's 100% Steam or Teams if you're having to reinstall your os that many times. Either you're setting or doing something wrong that they don't like, you got some driver issues, or you got some hardware issues. But, with that many installs, it's less likely the latter two. Either way, good luck, hope you find a way to figure out what the issues are and fix them.

yes, i read thec f@@#$%^%@^ing itch page, and you jerks responding to mypost saying i am an idiot for posting about an oold game can FOAD. do you not get that you approach is "treat the user like clueless idiot is insulting and hoing to iincite an angry response like this? right now, you are either just another user here, who has no authority, or you are staff for the developing company, in which case, you just ensured I will never buy a game that treats user input this way. further posts to my posts will go straight to trash. have a crappy day.