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Of Note: You do not lose virginity during grappling, even if said grapple involves fucking the enemy in the ass.


  1. Option for Sexual Preference, which will disable encounters of certain genders. Perhaps in the event of mandatory bosses for certain genders, enemy teasing will always fail. To prevent abuse, this option can only be selected at character creation.
  2. Unlockable Races/Classes, to encourage replay value. These races/classes would be particularly specialized, such as offering penalties in addition to the bonuses.
  3. Race/Class specific content, also to encourage replay value. From unique dialogue to side quests (if there will be such a thing), with the most obvious being only being able to squeeze through cramped spaces/reach high objects at certain sizes.

Thank you for the detailed feedback and the suggestions. Some are really good ideas, and preference is something I want to add soon. 

and probably certain skills that only a specific race can learn