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Well, first game I've played that didn't crash. Complex story,  Pacing makes it so the player actually feels like (s)he's in the shoes of the MC.  My only concern is developpement time required as more and more choices will impact the story and potentially the ending aswell. This will severely slow down updates as you get closer to full release, if corners aren't cut, which by not doing will also mean more funding required, the potential for this game will be from the diversity of choice it offers (just not too much for stated reasons above). Be careful with time travel, you'll make plot holes (for example how can effect preceed cause?) I'm not bothered much about plot holes though, just don't make them outrageous.  Anyway this game has potential, you can see it all throughout the first 2 acts (what's playable if the 2nd one so far).  I would keep on but this comment's long enough! I don't rate games until they're full release but so far the game's looking like a potential 9-9.5/10  maybe even 10/10... maybe.  Over-all good game, feels polished on it's mobile port, please adress the small option buttons on mobile though.