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when I try to run it, it said:


Unable to initialize Vulkan video driver


Your video card drivers seem not to support the required Vulkan version.

If possible, consider updating your video card drivers or using the OpenGL 3 driver.

You can enable the OpenGL 3 driver by starting the engine from the

command line with the command:

    "awoken.exe" --rendering-driver opengl3

If you have recently updated your video card drivers, try rebooting.




Can you perhaps have the zip file have a shortcut to the .exe inside it, which has this parameter, and call it start in safe mode or something? I had to right clikc, create shortcut, right click shortcut go properties, paste "--rendering-driver opengl3" onto the end of target, apply, ok, then click shortcut to run uit.

IT then ran fine, very fast even. IT was very responsive good job. I like hwo the anime ho animates  each time i shoot.

On You Died! the button for "Restart" is cut off so it just say "Restar"

Your level design LOOKS SO COOL! I like how the cockpit reacts to the light of the area.

Just need to have gun shot spawn projectile and toggle on an area light to provide muzzle flash...