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(3 edits)

Haha, interesting question. I wasn't thinking in terms of meta-irony when I made the game (was unfamiliar with the term at the time). I did think of it in terms of satire. This vision of the future is certainly not an actual prediction of where society is headed (I believe/hope that extraction capitalism will crash and burn long before we get to the point of "planned obsolescence of planets"). The characters are supposed to be parodies of the rich and powerful people who run the world for sure; Ozymandias especially is a mishmash satire of our own spectacular elite, some sort of Bezos/Musk/politician hybrid. The character designs are just me messing around and having fun with collage.

But I think at heart I'm not a good (or at least not a pure) satirist, because I don't like writing about characters who I can't relate to. So I tried to give them all some genuine character and real emotion as well. I think that as a result I might have arrived at something quite like meta-irony without intending it.

The characters being able to walk through objects has absolutely no deeper intention. I made this game as a college student with no professional experience in games and I just wasn't that sophisticated of a programmer :D.