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I reallly liked this! The mystery felt very well-paced and designed, and there was rarely a moment where I didn’t feel engaged.

The lore was interesting to read, and I liked that there was almost no clue that was irrelevant or just for fluff.

The difficulty curve was good, room 1 was over quick but room 3 stumped me hard. I wanted to solve each clue through deduction and not just elimination, and the game rarely disappointed - which gave me the faith to tough it out through room 3, and get the sweet reward of solving it on my own.

There was only one field which I had to fill by trial-and-error, without understanding the reasoning behind it. At other times, I stopped myself from using trial-and-error even if it would have allowed an easy solve, due to my playstyle preference.

I grew to care about the story and characters over time - though at first I didn’t know what mystery I was supposed to be solving, just that I had to fill in the blanks. The lack of an overarching ‘purpose’ to my quest felt a little different from similar mystery games.

Overall, awesome work, and looking forward to the full version!