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Not to bother or rush, but first of all I loved the game and second, will version 21.4 be the last or will you continue with the story? And really the game is perfect.

Heya, nah you're good on questions and stuff. I like interest in the project :)

So v21.4 is the final draft of the "story." The revamp is the same original story, just fleshed out more with music, a billion new renders, and some gameplay mechanic changes. However, the revamp will follow the same story and have the same ending that v21.4 had. So in other words the revamp will eventually replace v21.4 as the full game. The revamp will not progress past where v21.4 went. 

In terms of follow-up beyond the original story-- as in a sequel-- nothing is planned yet. i dont multitask well at all and this story was written from a very emotional place and i think i do pretty good when i'm in that headspace. problem is, i can't juggle multiple projects or multiple headspaces. my brain just isn't wired that way. so i prefer to focus on one project at a time to make sure i finish things. I'm getting to a point in the revamp where there should be less organization required and mostly just image stuff. i'm guessing that will give me more headspace to focus on something else or start planning whatever is next. Will that be a sequel to Str8? I'm not sure. I'm careful with that and i'm protective of the characters. I dont want to rush somethign or just write a bullshit sequel as a cash grab. if i do a sequel, it's because i believe it will be better. if i can't best this first project, then i'll leave it alone. i'd rather have a planned ending like i already did versus run the story into the ground. 

and thank you for your kind words. i'm seriously glad you liked the story <3