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The game feels great at the menus are some of the best I've seen.  It also looks and sounds great.
The controls feel good, but the dash was a little unweildy. Enemy tracking was also very punishing, even on normal difficulty. Getting poisoned seemed like a death sentence, nothing I did could cleanse it.

I think the tutorial would help a lot of giving the game a more strategic feel, I was just loading up on fire + plasma and shooting at enemies, almost never going into melee because it was always deadly.

Thanks for playing!

The dash feels unwieldy

Could you elaborate on this? Is it because you can slide after doing it?

Getting poisoned seemed like a death sentence

There is an antidote chem that you can use on yourself to clear most debuffs.


I think it's because it locks you in a direction, which I get it normal, but maybe a bit of movement influence would help?  It's not a big problem at all.

>There is an antidote chem that you can use on yourself to clear most debuffs.

Ah I didn't find this, I ended up just chugging the healing concoction, which was fine outside of fighting, but very hard in combat.