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Btw: I went forward and gave a try by myself.

I've installed a Slacko puppy linux onto a 16GB usbkey. Made some "setup" to make it look more "itch-y" and stored the image.

So anyone, who ave a 16gb usb dongle laying somewhere, can give it a try!

extremelyunofficial.ItchOS.img.gz (587.6 MiB, for 64bit PC only)

to "burn" it on linux, use

sudo su

gunzip -c ./ItchOS.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sdX

Where "X" is the letter drive for the usb flash drive (ie: mine is /dev/sdb). if "sudo su" doesn't work, try use just "su".

On windows just extract the archive and write the img file with software like win32diskimager

I don't even know if it work; it's just a quick/random example. ^^"

Don't try things you're not sure about; this puppy derivative runs with root privilege so, once boot, don't even try to mess with your hard disk.