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I feel like you're picking up things I did not put down.

You're right about Charlotte's saggy tits being one of the examples I noticed, though I didn't want to go into specifics here because I didn't want this to become A Whole Thing (too late ig), but your example is apples and elephants. In this case, male minion getting his head blown off served the story because it (1) showed the praetorian(s) doling out their justice in a harsh, shocking way, which (2) helped us and the MC understand why we should be afraid of them, (3) set up a huge part of the mystery surrounding Eternum, and (4) directly kicked off the change in Axel's character. As far as I could tell, female minion's tits being saggy was not vital to the narrative. Nothing would change if she had perky, or even average, melons except a subpar (imo) joke in one branch of an optional scene. If the tables were turned and Charlotte got her head blown off for attempted assault and Benjamin's tiny dick was the recurring gag, it would still be a case of vital to the narrative vs. totally optional body shaming with no narrative payoff.

Lost me in the 2nd half, though. I actually pointed out that the outfits typically make sense for the scene, and said nothing about the female characters being weak or dependent, so I'm pretty sure we agree!