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i thought there was a new update from the comments so i checked it out but aside from improving the collision nothing happened, i still can't get any of them but the bj to do the bf content even if i just sit there and let 'em wail on me

(2 edits)

sorry about that,  to be honest, I'm not developing this anymore, but yes the game is somewhat problematic, maybe I'll fix it someday but for now I want to focus on my 3d games, please look forward to those! rpgmaker is just a nightmare to work in, but I'm cooking something that I think will be really interesting :)

I've learned a lot about game dev so this time I will try to avoid making similar mistakes

(despite testing the rpgmaker game while making it, and then testing the game with the engines built in the test function, the production build is the one I failed (didn't think I'd have to test on as I

 had been testing throughout development) and this led to an array of issues I was sure I solved but popped out of nowhere on release)