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I really love the art style and presentation, as well as the music and sounds! I think it looks really good. There were some parts in the beginning when there is some wide open, unused space, and it messes with the pacing a bit. But I was really happy to discover all the little Biggy frogs! In general, the character designs of both the player character in his differend modes, as well as the enemies and the NPCs, all of their little quirks have to be my favorite part of the game. They're so cool and have so much personality!

This is also what made the boss fights great. The boss' design translated into the fights themselves, communicating clearly what their abilities, their strengths and weaknesses would be when you're fighting them.

This brings me to one last point, which is that I was unfortunately not able to beat the game. The red boss with the many different hands was too hard for me (the difficulty selections screen was right! 👶)Once I was able to finally beat the second phase, I would immediately get my ass kicked in the third phase. Starting over again with the first phase was starting to get frustrating after about an hour :(

I will maybe try again at a later time when I have more energy and focus, because I am still really invested in the story and the world!