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(4 edits)

What's the friendship route? Is it where you didn't, yknow, before R took the Ai from you? And if you did yknow do it with R will there be no way to kiss them? And will both routes allow the romance to continue? Also wanted to say this was really fucking good, great job!


Also wanted to say, out of curiosity I killed R, and damn you described it perfectly, so brutal, and it left me feeling disturbed. Really well done, felt like I had actually killed someone, and it left me feeling really empty. And the reactions from everyone else really solidified it. God damn. Also really ballsy to actually allow you to kill a main character like that, not many games allow you to do that!

Oh and one more thing, in another comment you said there might be an update around the end of this year. And since its nearly that time, no pressure obviously, and you owe all of us nothing. How's the progress on that next chapter?

choosing to/not to sleep with rohan in chapter one has no impact on friendship/rivalry - the different routes come from how you treat xem later. you get friendship points for listening to xem, showing interest in xir opinions and particularly from showing care/worry about IVI, while rivalry points come from shutting xem down, disregarding xir opinions on IVI, and being pro-scytha in your conversations. you can romance xem on either route, whatever your choices in chapter one - the only locks at the moment are at the end of chapter three, and these choices are available regardless of if you're friendly or rivals.

the update is very nearly done - it probably won't be released in the next couple of days, but I'm in the process of finishing it off and cleaning it up for release in january!

thank you sm<33 I'm glad you're enjoying the game!