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(1 edit) (+2)

This was cool! It was fun learning all of the different places/stamps and trying to sort the letters and packages as quickly as possible. I found the controls a little wonky which is alright, but sometimes the movement for the packages would act very strange and become frozen. It wasn't game-breaking because I could still get the package to the scale and conveyor, but it would "teleport" there. I like the idea of juggling two jobs also. I kind of wish I could see how many people were in line from the letter sorting area, I lost a couple of times for letting the queue get too long. Overall I thought it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed my time with it. Great work!


Thanks for the feedback! The controls definitely could use some improvements but it was learning experience.

Originally, I did have “upgrades” planned if you performed well, which included a bell for the front counter that customers could ring if you were in the backroom. Unfortunately, they were cut for time.

Also, I appreciate seeing your score! You made very few mistakes!