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(1 edit)

Thought this was great! I think I made it to the end? I got attacked by a bird haha. The scale mechanic goes very well with the jam theme in my opinion and it's quite fun to use. I really like the consistent pixel art style and the bold black outlines around everything. It's very easy to parse which is great in a platformer. I definitely felt the Hollow Knight influence in the game mechanics and level design (I'm actually playing through it at the moment.) I think the level design is quite good! It was fun going back through previous sections with new abilities. Only nitpick I have is I thought the wall climbing was a little difficult to use. Sometimes it was difficult to grab the vines and I wish I could get more of a jump from the wall. The respawn time was also a bit long, but it didn't bother me too much. I played the first half with a keyboard before switching to a controller and both felt good to use. Awesome work!


Thanks for this feedback, awesome job playing right through the game!! We are working on a steam release coming soon with updates and more :D