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My fix right now is to remove the initial check (that was copied in the previous post). This avoids looking for spaces to detect the presence of a subject when `sorgente` is the set of verbs.

Then, right before the following return statement

// Rirotno un oggetto contenente l'azione e i soggetti
return {
    verb: chiave,
    actionObject: obj,
    command: sorgente == this.commands, //patternEsatto == true,
    subjects: subjects

I added the subject check:

    sorgente != this.commands &&
    override != this.override.commands &&
    (obj.singolo === undefined || obj.singolo == false)
) {
    if( subjects.length == 0)
        return input;
// Rirotno un oggetto contenente l'azione e i soggetti

Ok I think your solution can work... just test it :)

Thanks for validating!

I did a play-through with no issues, this solution should be good to go for any other languages that have the same problem 😊

perfect :D