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(1 edit)

Having a hard time with this one! One thing that's challenging for me is that it's very hard to figure out what's going on. 

Right now, if a UAV is destroyed, we get very little information about what happened. If we at least got the location of the UAV that was destroyed that would be great, but would love to get more info on what actually destroyed it. Like I know I'm outside reach of an air strip, but it would be great to know 100% that my mental model matches what the game is doing.

Sometimes my habitats seemed to be killed by ships that were within one range, even when I had surrounded my habitat with UAVs and mines. If that's true, then I'm completely puzzled about how that's possible and what to do about that.

I gave up trying to defend my Heavy Lift Ships, since it seemed like no matter how I positioned UAVs and mines, there was no way to protect them from being destroyed (and this was after I made sure I was 7 hexes away from airstrips). So now I just move them along the top of the map. 

Something that could help is making the process for moving thing faster. So far, I'm moving all my ships together and it takes 12 clicks just to move 4 ships to one hex. Would love it if there was a shortcut to move all, or if the ship was autoselected when tapping the hex at least.

So I'd say here's my situation:

1. I don't know the cause of my habitats/ships dying.
2. So I don't get good information about what I'm doing wrong or how I can change up to do better next time.

3. Meaning I have to do a lot of random experiments to see try and find a strategy that doesn't obviously suck. 

4. It's slow to take actions, so this whole process takes a lot of time, and I end up playing "lets see what happens if" games where I, for instance, just leave the Cable Layer's and Heavy Lift Ships alone while I see if the UAVs can find any enemy ships. 

Hope this is helpful!


Very helpful as always!

This game is really about dealing with an enemy you cannot see, and mitigating the impact of weapons you cannot stop.  You can win but expect to lose a lot of ships, UAVs, and habitats.  As long as you have enough hexes with habitats connected to the Norwegian electricity grid at the end of the game, you can win a major victory.  

One thing to consider is checking the UNITS report on the GAME KEY screen.  This should show you how many enemy platforms are left.  Your heavy lift ships are being hit by a frigate or sub you cannot detect.  Lay enough mines in the right places, and you should be able to destroy all three frigates and two submarines.  You still have to stay out of range of the air bases to the south, but the north half of the map will be safe for heavy lift ships.    

Drones and cruise missiles are the only things that can destroy your habitats, and they can have unlimited range.  These are flying robots, so your mines (undersea robots) cannot really stop them.  Actually, nothing in the game  can.  The one thing you can do is build habitats faster than your opponent can destroy them.  The wooden decoys can also help you keep more of your habitats alive. 

Whenever an enemy kills one of your units, you get a message box, and you see the weapon card that caused the kill at the bottom of the screen.  The weapon card will tell you which platforms can launch the weapon.  However, you cannot know which actual enemy unit launched the unit, and you cannot see the unit  unless you detect it.  This feature adds a bit of realism to the game.  The crew of the Moskva probably had no idea of what hit them or what platform launched whatever hit them.  Since most of the platforms in this game are robots, you may not even know they have been hit.  All you really know is that they stopped transmitting or did not return to base.   

I hope that helps.


Here is what your mine deployment should look like.  This mine deployment pattern will eliminate all ships and subs.