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scored 15.37874, I'm sure im on the low end performance-wise :D I like that you chose a simple mechanic and got it nicely polished while sticking to the theme. Sound could do with work, but ti was fun, nice work!

Thanks for the comment. My first time messing with sound so other than attaching pre-made audio I didn't do anything to improve it.  What would you recommend in terms of making the sound better? 

My bad! I thought there wasn't any, but I just revisited and of course you have check boxes for sound on the start page. I suppose I missed it because I didn't expect the option there. When i played I went straight to the how t play and then start after that. The audio itself is nice also, nothing wrong with the quality or anything like that, in which case I guess my only criticism of the sound would be that it should be on by default, with the option to toggle it off, rather than off by default. Even then, I doubt it would have bothered me much had I noticed the (glaringly obvious) check boxes to begin with.