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It's a cute fun game but I figure I could mention this:

* The first level had no "death fall zone" so the player stands in the boarder of the camera, which can lead to confusion on whether or not there's a death fall zone.

* I see artifacts where something with the color of the background gets on top of the health stars. Even with some moving platforms, you see stuff like this.

* The game lags whenever you encounter the jumping trees.

Other than that, the game mostly works and has a good pixel art.

I like how a certain visual of a background house kinda looked like an owl.

Ah yes the first screen was done like that on purpose to try and give the player a heads up to say "hey, there's gonna be platforming with pits later on" but I could've probably done it a bit more elegantly lol.

Those other issues seem to be inerrant to the engine I'm using but I'll try my best to address them in future projects.

Thank you for the kind words and feedback.