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(1 edit) (+2)

(No Spoilers)

I'm going to be completely honest.

I am a person who, personally, is very insensitive with games, especially visual novels like broken colors, your boyfriend, something is wrong with sunny day Jack, among others.

But, your work of art... I must stand up from my seat, take off my hat and applaud this beauty that with just one DEMO made me cry my eyes out.

It is a complete beauty both artistically and musically, it is written in a simple but beautiful way, I have no words. You left me totally stunned.

Needless to say, there are events in the game that have happened to me in real life (let it be noted that I had no idea what the game was about, and seeing the only situation in which the main character decides to leave their own house It was a very hard blow because I went through something VERY similar, with the sadly same ending , so I couldn't help but cry like a crybaby)

You do an excellent job, and you have just gained a loyal follower like a dog until you decide to finish your career as an artist.