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Special Messege to The Mean F*ck Guy who you called TDF**KREMASTER :

This guy is a bum nobody likes and we are gonna find you your just be crying and also your mom is so fat that she goes to your underwear and make you sus your mom is so fat that your adopted your mom is fat that i MHC has Struck Into TDFoolRemastered the noob fatherless and got killed by MHC which is me your mom is fat that she took out a belt and attacked you in your Face and lost a brain your mom is fat that baldi come into your house and he has a metal ruler and slap hed booty your mom is so fat that god will take you to the hell and the devil will burn your soul your mom is so fat that she sucks and fortnite and she trips into the banana and died and you cried about lol 

Thats how much i will make you hardly cry hehe:) And Also BYE NI**A

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- td7802 remaster supporter

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I blocked ya, so stay furious.

so your teaming with td7802 remaster he started the drama and its hes fault and your teaming with him wow i might just have to roast you too you don't understand yourself too hes being mean to everyone bro

Youre a failed abortion whose birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory